Health Check
Det er meget vigtigt, at vi hurtigst muligt og med den rette støtte, hjælper kroppen til at genoprette balancen. Ofte kompenseres der for de opståede ubalancer i bestemte dele af kroppen, ved at lade andre dele af kroppen komme på over arbejde med det resultat, at et eller flere organer bliver så trætte og slidte, at sygdom kan opstå.
Symptomerne er kroppens signaler til os om, at noget er galt. Signalerne behøver ikke altid at være i form af smerter, fysiske symptomer, ubehag i kroppen eller psykisk lidelse. En sygdom opstår ikke med det samme. Normalt er der en proces under opsejling i kroppen som på et tidspunkt vil vise sig som symptomer. I dag behøver man ikke at vente, til sygdommen dukker op / bryder ud. Det er her det alternative helbredstjek kommer ind i billedet! We find it necessary to regularly check our car to ensure that it runs smoothly, but the body also benefits from the same regular care that a skilled health expert can provide. Today there are various diagnostic methods (bio-barometers) that can reveal the state of health in different organs of the body, so that you can actually prevent an imbalance from becoming a disease. These methods are not currently used in traditional medicine’s healthcare system.
It is very important that we help you restore your body’s natural balance as quickly as possible with the right support. Often our body compensates for the imbalances that occur in certain parts of the body by causing other parts of the body to be over worked, resulting in one or more organs becoming so tired and worn out that disease may occur.
Symptoms are the body's signals to us telling us something is wrong. The signals do not always have to be in the form of pain, physical symptoms, bodily discomfort, or mental illness. A disease does not occur immediately. Normally, long before a disease manifests in the body, it undergoes a process which, at some point, will display symptoms. Today you do not have to wait until the disease pops up or breaks out. An alternative health check will help you discover and manage the symptoms before they turn into a disease.

Iris analyse
Iris analysis
Iris er forbundet til hver organer og væv i kroppen ved hjælp af hjernen og nervesystemet. Det er i direkte kontakt med bio-energisk, biokemiske, strukturelle, hormonal og metaboliske processer i kroppen via nerverne, blod, muskelfibre og lymfeknuder.
Holistisk, er det bruges til at se værdifulde information om fysiske, mentale, følelsesmæssige mønstre og svagheder til en genoprettende og forebyggende behandling. Iris analysis or Iridology is the science and practice of analyzing the iris, which is a thin, circular structure in the eye and the most complex outer structure of human anatomy. The practice of Iridology is in rapid growth, as it is becoming known as a valuable tool in diagnosing and prevention of disease. It is one of the tools of a Naturopathic Physician for a holistic assessment of a person’s health and well being.
The eye, as it has been said, is the window to our soul, but the eye is also a window to our body. The iris is connected to each organ and tissue in the body through the brain and nervous system. It is in direct contact with bio-energetics (the study of the transformation of energy in living organisms, and a belief that emotional healing can be aided through resolution of bodily tension), biochemical, structural, hormonal, and metabolic processes in the body via the nerves, blood stream, muscle fibers and lymph nodes.
Holistically, the iris is used to see valuable information about physical, mental, and emotional patterns and weaknesses needed for restorative and preventive treatments.

Homøopati er blevet integreret i sundhedssystemerne i mange europæiske lande, herunder Frankrig, Tyskland, Holland, Italien, Schweiz og Portugal.
En undersøgelse foretaget af Global TGI i 2008 fandt 15% af befolkningen i Storbritannien betroede homøopati. I Indien homøopati er en af de mest populære former for medicin. Homeopathy was developed in Germany at the end of the 18th century. Homoeopathic theory is based on 2 theories: the law of “like cures like” -the idea that a disease can be cured with a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people; and the law of "minimum dose " - the idea that the lower dose of medicine has the greater effectiveness. Many homeopathic agents are so diluted that no molecules of the original substance remain.
Homeopathy has been integrated into health systems in many European countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, UK, and India.
A survey conducted by Global TGI in 2008 found 15% of the population in UK trusted homeopathy. In India homeopathy is one of the most popular forms of medicine.
The holistic nature of homeopathy means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit and emotions are all considered in the management and prevention of disease.
Homeopathic medicines are safe to use as they rarely cause side-effects. This means, when used appropriately under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner, they can be taken by people of all ages, including babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Herbal medicine
Urtemedicin rødder spores helt tilbage til begyndelsen af tid og stadig stå stærkt i store dele af verden i dag. Det er ikke overraskende, at studiet af planter til medicinske formål førte til, hvad vi nu kender som lægemidler.
De fleste af de lægemidler, konventionelle behandlere ordinere dag har rødder i planteverdenen . Forskellen er, at medicinalvirksomhederne ændre den kemiske struktur af forbindelsen ikke kun for at specialisere sig og forstørre sine handlinger , men også at patentere medicin og sælge det som deres unikke produkt. Herbal medicine therapy or phototherapy is the use of plants, either in whole or in part plant form or in the form of standardized extracts and supplements, for healing purposes.
Herbal medicine roots are traced back to the beginning of time and still stand heavily in large parts of the world today. It is not surprising that the study of plants for medical purposes led to what we now know as medicines.
Most of the drugs that conventional therapists prescribe today have roots in the plant world. The difference is that pharmaceutical companies change the chemical structure of the compound not only to specialize and enlarge their actions but also to patent medicine and to sell it as their unique product.

Ear acupuncture
Øreakupunktur regulerer gennem behandling den ubalance, der har forårsaget sygdom, smerter eller andre skavanker. I Den Gule Kejsers bog ”Classic of Internal Medicine” (500-300 BC) nævnes øret som stedet, hvor alle kanaler mødes.
Kanaler er det samme som meridianbanerne og det, der hører til disses funktionskredse. Hele menneskekroppen afspejler sig i øret på samme måde som på fødderne ved zoneterapi. Ear acupuncture or auricular therapy can really be called a “micro zone” therapy which is used for diagnosis and treatment. All-body related zones are found on the front and back of the ear.
Treatment with ear acupuncture regulates the imbalance that has caused disease, pain or other defects.
Ear acupuncture has proven to be an efficient method of treating a wide variety of conditions, from headaches and allergies to addictions and pain disorders. Although acupuncture evolved in the context of Asian medicine, the specialty of ear acupuncture was developed in Western Europe.
It’s foundations laid by Dr. Paul Nogier, a neurologist working in France in the 1950’s, it was deepened and expanded by Frank Bahr M.D. and physical medicine specialists in Germany over the following decades.

Kinesiologi kan derfor forstås som et system af naturlige helbredende metoder , som kombinerer muskel kontrol med principperne i kinesisk medicin til at vurdere energien langs meridian baner, ind i kroppens organer og , som omfatter en række blide men efektiv helbredende teknikker til at forbedre sundhed, velvære og vitalitet. Kinesiology is primarily defined as the use of muscle tests to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional or other energy imbalance.
Kinesiology can be understood as a system of natural healing methods that combines muscle control with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy along meridian pathways into the body's organs and which includes a number of gentle but effective healing techniques to improve health, well-being and vitality.
Kinesiology is also one of the best tool by which we can connect the subconscious and find the psychological blockage that unconsciously prohibit the body to attain balance.

“Ordet holisme kommer fra græsk og betyder helhedslære”
Jeg er født i 1948 i Iran og boet i Danmark siden 1982. Jeg har en universitetsgrad i fysik og har undervist på gymnasier i Iran, Danmark og Dubai med hovedfag i matematik og fysik. Jeg læste senere medicin på Københavns Universitet i 3 år, men valgte at forlade studiet, da det traditionelle medicinstudie ikke var i overensstemmelse med mit holistiske syn på mennesket og dets sygdomme.
En af de første gange, hvor jeg stiftede bekendtskab med det holistiske helbredsområde, var i København i 1985, da jeg tog et basiskursus i Touch for Health, dvs. kinesiologi. Gennem muskeltestninger kunne man bl.a. bestemme, hvilke vitaminer og mineraler kroppen havde brug for. Jeg, som var forankret i de naturvidenskabelige metoder, var i starten meget skeptisk, men alligevel nysgerrig og åben over for denne diagnosticeringsmetode. Som tiden gik, blev jeg meget overrasket over nøjagtigheden i denne metode og fuldførte uddannelsen som kinesiolog.
Senere tog jeg en overbygning på kinesiologuddannelsen i USA, One Brain System (Pædagogisk Kinesiologi) hos Gordon Stokes og Daniel Whiteside. Jeg blev efterfølgende International instruktør i Pædagogisk Kinesiologi.
Jeg er endvidere diplomuddannet tysk lægeeksamineret Heilpraktiker, hvorigennem jeg har fået en meget grundlæggende, bred viden og uddannelse i behandlings- og diagnosemetoder, der er fantastisk effektive i forhold til at afsløre årsagen til sygdomme, samt forebygge og opbygge kroppen ud fra et helhedsprincip. Sideløbende med disse uddannelser har jeg suppleret min viden med mange kurser indenfor de holistiske arbejdsmetoder. Jeg er medlem af Heilpraktiker Foreningen og RAB (Registreret Alternativ Behandler)
I was born in 1948 in Iran and lived in Denmark since 1982. I have a university degree in physics and have taught at colleges in Iran, Denmark and Dubai with a major in mathematics and physics. I later studied medicine at the University of Copenhagen for 3 years, but chose to leave the study as the traditional medicine study did not conform to my holistic view of man and its diseases.
One of the first times I became acquainted with the holistic health field was in Copenhagen in 1985, when I took a basic course in Touch for Health, ie. kinesiology. Through muscle testing you could determine what vitamins and minerals the body needed. I, who was rooted in the scientific methods, was initially very sceptical, yet curious and open to this method of diagnosis. As time went on, I was very surprised by the accuracy of this method and completed the training as a kinesiologist.
Later, I took a superstructure course in the kinesiology education in the United States, the One Brain System (Educational Kinesiology) at Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside. I subsequently became an International Instructor in Educational Kinesiology.
I am also a graduate of the German medical examiner Heilpraktiker, through which I have gained a very basic, broad knowledge and education in treatment and diagnosis methods that are amazingly effective in revealing the cause of illnesses, as well as preventing and building the body based on a holistic principle. Alongside these courses I have supplemented my knowledge with many courses within holistic working methods.
I am a member of the Heilpraktiker Föreningen and RAB (Registered Alternative Therapist)

Første konusltation: 1000 kr. (varer ca. 60 - 90 min.)
Efterfølgende konsultation: 650 kr. (varer ca. 45 - 60 min.)
Børn (u. 12 år) / Studerende:
Første konusltation: 700 kr.
Efterfølgende konusltation: 500 kr.
First consultation:$140 / Dkr.1000 (60 - 90 min.)
Afterwards:$90 /Dkr. 650 (45 - 60 min.)
Kids (u. 12 year) / Student:
First consultation:$100 / Dkr. 700
Afterwards:$70 /Dkr. 500 kr.
Kontakt klinikken
Ring eller skriv en email til mig - Sammen finder vi en løsning så du kan trives med din hverdag igen.
Contact the Clinic
Call or write an email to me - Together we find a solution so you can enjoy your everyday life again.
Holistisk KlinikBülowsvej 7A (indgang Galleri Pialeh).
1870 Frederiksberg C.